5 Refreshes To Incorporate Into Your Email Marketing Strategy



5 Refreshes To Incorporate Into Your Email Marketing Strategy

Young black woman working on email marketing campaign
Young black woman working on email marketing campaign

Two days ago, a marketing email hit your inbox. This didn’t happen by chance. You received that email because weeks, maybe even months ago, a marketing executive created a digital marketing strategy, and, as part of that strategy she decided that sending emails to potential customers would be a cost-effective way to promote her company’s newest product.

Today, you bought that product which proves two things. The first is that email is a highly effective marketing tool, and two when it comes to marketing to consumers, nothing happens by chance.

Close up of hands typing on keyboard

When it comes to return on investment (ROI), email marketing is still hard to beat. According to a study by Litmus, for every $1 spent on email marketing the return on investment is $42. This might explain why now, more than ever organizations are putting more marketing dollars behind email marketing combined with modern technology to go after more customers. They’re also finding new ways to refresh their email marketing strategy to shape the way they communicate with their customers and help them deliver content that they prefer.

Here are just a few of those ways to help make your email marketing strategy an even bigger, more effective part of your digital marketing mix:

1. List Growth

List growth should always be a priority of your email program, but never at the expense of the quality of your list. While developing a quality email list will take more time, in the end, you’ll have built an organically grown list with a more engaged audience and a higher retention rate.

 Make sure your website has a prominent piece of real estate designated for email sign-ups.

 Ensure that the call-to-action for your opt-in is less commitment based i.e. “Join now” vs. “Subscribe now.”

 Make the sign-up process as easy as possible by limiting the number of fields.

 Use future drip/automated campaigns to gain more insight or provide preference management options.

2. Marketing Automation

With consumers expecting a high level of personalization, email automation is playing a big role, allowing you to engage with your customers on more of a 1:1 level. The key to this is establishing your business rules and making sure that the messages you’re sending out are timely and relevant. Some examples of automated, personalized messaging can be triggered by:

 Shopping Cart Abandonment

 Geo-targeted Locations

 Cross-Sell & Up-Sell Opportunities

 Win-Back Opportunities

 Birthdays & Anniversaries

Close up of email notification on mobile phone

3. Sales Free Content

Now that we’re starting to put the pandemic in our rearview mirrors, many people are saying that the experience has changed them; that they’re now inclined to show more empathy and compassion towards others. Businesses need to do this, as well, with the benefits being:

 Occasionally sharing content that has nothing to do with selling will help build brand loyalty and increase the success of future sales-based emails.

 Sharing content that, in some way, helps the customer will position your brand as one that isn’t just about making a profit.

 Being perceived as a brand that cares about “more than money” is something that satisfied customers will want to share with friends and family, which could result in new customers.

4. Artificial Intelligence in Email

Including your customer’s name in the subject line of the email is no longer enough to consider that email personalized. To create an insights-led customer experience you need to dig deeper, and artificial intelligence (AI) is the tool to make that happen. By leveraging machine learning you can:

  Find out if you are sending too many or too few emails.

  Discover the times of day when people are more likely to open emails.

 Use natural language generation (NLG) to write more effective subject lines; the technology learns your brand voice based on data that you’ve taught it so it can craft subject lines that increase opens and conversions.

Close up of hands typing on laptop with emails icons floating above hands

5. Minimalism

It might come as a surprise to learn the Marie Kondo effect isn’t limited to just cluttered closets. A new trend in email marketing is taking a more minimalist approach, featuring crisp, clean designs with a reduced amount of content, the benefits of which include:

 Allows readers to get to the primary message of the email quicker.

 Prevents readers from feeling overwhelmed with too much content.

 Cross-Sell & Up-Sell Opportunities

 Sending emails with less content allows you to increase email frequency.

Email Still Makes $ And Sense

By incorporating the five suggestions mentioned above, you’ll make your email marketing strategy even more effective when communicating with potential and current customers. Always keep in mind though, that, ultimately, it’s not about your needs as a company that matters most, but the needs of your customers.

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