When the Perfect Choice Becomes the Problematic Choice
When the Perfect Choice Becomes the Problematic Choice

When considering an out-of-the-box eCommerce platform, most mid-to-large-sized companies will do their due diligence. Often, the process includes input from various departments to help them determine what exactly the broader organization needs out of a new platform. Then, a comparison of capabilities across different platforms will narrow down choices. An estimate of the time it would take to customize and implement each platform, as well as the annual costs associated with the implementation is often the next step. Finally, after much internal discussion and debate, they’ll purchase what they hope will be the perfect eCommerce solution.
Only to discover that it isn’t.
It happens. Even with the best of intentions and careful consideration, not every company makes the right call, resulting in varying degrees of disappointment. For companies that fall into the mid-to-large-sized category, in particular, the results can be even more dire.

Common eCommerce Platform Pain Points
There are any number of issues that a company can encounter after purchasing an eCommerce platform. However, there are three pain points that have probably caused more sleepless nights for technology leaders than any others.
The Technology Is Already Outdated
Some eCommerce platforms are so large and complex that it can take a year or two until they’re customized and completely implemented. Unfortunately, because it does take so long, at the end of those two years a company could very well find itself in possession of a very expensive piece of outdated technology.
Upgrading Costs More Time And Money
While some parts of the platform will work fine, others will need to be upgraded. Unfortunately, it can take six to twelve months to implement any upgrades, and it almost always involves a hefty additional cost. Plus, upgrades, in general, are notorious for being anything but simple.
You Need Help
Many eCommerce platforms require the services of a designer and front-end developer to implement any kind of change to either the design of a website or to the content. That becomes problematic when the people in those roles are unavailable to make the changes because they’re currently involved with other projects.
How does a mid-to-large-sized company avoid these potential pain points while ensuring that their eCommerce platform will not just serve their needs in the short term but in the long-term as well? By going headless.

A Brief Explanation Of Headless eCommerce
Simply put, headless eCommerce takes the customer-facing experience (the frontend) and completely separates it from all the backend business logic so that changes to one part don’t disrupt the other. This provides a company with what is perhaps the biggest reason to go headless: flexibility.
Keep Your Technology Current
Due to the overall flexibility of headless eCommerce platforms, the speed at which they can be implemented, and because upgrades can be made whenever necessary, the risk of the platform becoming outdated is removed.
Upgrade Safely
Since headless eCommerce systems are designed to be adaptable they provide the freedom to upgrade any part of the system secure in the knowledge that it can be done without negatively affecting any other part of the system.
No Specialists Required
Many eCommerce platforms require the services of a designer and front-end developer to implement any kind of change to either the design of a website or to the content. That becomes problematic when the people in those roles are unavailable to make the changes because they’re currently involved with other projects.

Put Your eCommerce Platform On The Map
At PeakActivity, we help companies succeed in an increasingly digital world, where eCommerce is a primary contributor to that success. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about going headless and how it can radically Improve your future eCommerce efforts.
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