Navigating Privacy and ADA Compliance in eCommerce:

Key Challenges and Solutions


Navigating Privacy and ADA Compliance in eCommerce:

Key Challenges and Solutions

As eCommerce continues to grow, so do the regulatory and legal challenges associated with it. Two significant areas of concern for online retailers are privacy compliance and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance.

These issues are becoming increasingly prominent, with a notable rise in lawsuits and claims against online retailers. This blog highlights these challenges and provides insights into how eCommerce merchants can address them effectively.

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The Rise of Privacy Concerns

Privacy concerns in eCommerce revolve around how user data is collected, stored, and used. Regulations like the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) impose strict guidelines on businesses, requiring them to obtain explicit consent from users before collecting their data. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and damage to a company's reputation.

Key Privacy Challenges:

 Data Collection and Consent: One of the primary challenges is obtaining clear and explicit consent from users for data collection. Many websites still struggle with implementing proper consent mechanisms, leading to potential breaches of privacy laws.

 Third-Party Trackers: Websites often use third-party cookies and tracking technologies for analytics and marketing. However, these can lead to privacy concerns if not managed correctly. Merchants must ensure that these trackers are disclosed to users and that consent is obtained before activation.

 Compliance Complexity: With different regions enforcing their own privacy regulations, maintaining compliance can be complex and resource-intensive. Businesses must stay updated with evolving laws and adapt their practices accordingly.

Privacy Solutions:

Implementing a Consent Management Platform (CMP) can help manage user consent and preferences effectively. These platforms can automate the process of obtaining and storing consent, ensuring compliance with global regulations. Additionally, regular audits and updates to privacy policies can help businesses stay compliant and build trust with their customers.

Even when a cookie manager is put into place, merchants are still facing claims around breaches of privacy. While these platforms do a fantastic job of scanning the site for cookies and pixels, and allow you to set up controls to limit them, implementing a CMP could be detrimental to analytics and marketing tracking if improperly configured.

For example, one of our clients experienced a 166% delta between Google Analytics and Shopify sessions before PeakActivity stepped in. After we updated their tag management to properly use a CMP like OneTrust, the discrepancy was reduced to 29%. This highlights the importance of correct configuration and continuous monitoring. These reasons underscore why it's essential to have a trusted partner guide you through the implementation of these solutions to avoid pitfalls associated with poor implementation.

Another solution that helps limit the access to bad cookies or tracking pixels on the site is implementing a Content Security Policy (CSP). These policies outline explicit access rights for third-party cookies and pixels you're allowing on your site, adding an extra layer of control to ensure compliance.

ADA Compliance in eCommerce

ADA compliance ensures that websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This is not just a legal requirement but also a moral imperative to provide an inclusive online shopping experience. Failure to comply with ADA standards can result in lawsuits, as seen in the increasing number of claims against eCommerce businesses.

Key ADA Compliance Challenges:

 Website Accessibility: Many eCommerce websites are not fully accessible, lacking features like screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and appropriate color contrasts. This makes it difficult for users with disabilities to navigate and use the site effectively.

 Regular Updates: Maintaining ADA compliance requires continuous effort. Websites need regular updates to ensure they meet the latest accessibility standards and accommodate new assistive technologies.

 Awareness and Implementation: Some businesses are not fully aware of ADA requirements or underestimate the effort needed to achieve compliance. This can lead to gaps in accessibility that may only be identified when a claim is made.

ADA Compliance Solutions:

Conducting regular accessibility audits is crucial to identify and address any compliance gaps. Engaging with full-service partners specializing in ADA compliance can provide comprehensive solutions and guidance. Tools like accessibility widgets can also help improve website usability for disabled users, making the site more inclusive.

Privacy & ADA Compliance: More Than Just Following the Law

Privacy and ADA compliance are critical challenges for eCommerce businesses. Addressing these issues not only helps avoid legal repercussions but also builds trust and inclusivity, enhancing the overall customer experience. By staying proactive and leveraging the right tools and strategies, merchants can navigate these complexities effectively.

For more insights and personalized advice on navigating eCommerce compliance, contact PeakActivity's team of experts. We provide comprehensive solutions to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape.


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