How eCommerce Retailers Are Getting Further Ahead



How eCommerce Retailers Are Getting Further Ahead

Young woman shopping for shoes on eCommerce website
Young woman shopping for shoes on eCommerce website

For many retailers, switching to a “headless” eCommerce platform has been nothing short of a revelation. By taking the customer-facing experience (the frontend) and completely separating it from all the backend business logic, headless eCommerce platforms provide a company with the ability to make any content or design changes quickly and without the need for a front-end developer or designer.

However, in such a highly competitive environment, many retailers are utilizing additional strategies to continue to increase conversions and grow company revenue.

Website design team creating mockups

Top Issues Keeping Retailers Up At Night

While there are a number of issues that a retailer confronts when dealing with eCommerce, below are three common challenges that many continue to struggle with:

Website Conversions

For many companies, this is the only measure of success that matters: did the visitor to the site convert? If the answer to that question is “no,” there are a couple of possible reasons as to why. It could be that your search functionality isn’t working as optimally as it should. Are you currently conducting A/B testing to see what is and isn’t working on the site? If the answer to that question is also “no,” there’s a distinct possibility that you might never know the reason as to why your conversions are not where they should be.

Average Order Value

Of course, there’s more to be concerned about than just whether or not your customers are converting when they visit your site. One such thing is the average order value. If you notice that that number isn’t where it should be it could be that you need to improve your product recommendations. Another possible culprit could be the fact that your product data isn’t as robust or accurate as it needs to be in order to convince your customers to pull the trigger.

Customer Experience

Look at your website through the eyes of your typical visitor. Is the customer experience where it needs to be? Is it easy and intuitive to navigate around the site? Do the design and copy work in concert to provide a compelling user experience? If it doesn’t, it could be because the user experience isn’t personalized enough to make the visitor feel that it’s speaking to them and their needs. You also need to ask yourself if there are friction points throughout the experience that ends up driving visitors away from your site.

eCommerce team discussing website changes

Solutions With Proven Success

If you’re a retailer that is facing the issues mentioned above, you might want to consider taking one, or all, of the following actions:

Implement A/B Testing and Conversion Rate Optimization Program

You can’t possibly begin to fix your website until you can identify what’s wrong with it. By incorporating a conversion rate optimization program through continual A/B testing, you’ll be able to consistently identify and correct any site issues on the fly, which will go a long way towards increasing conversions.

Swap Out Microservices for Best-in-Class Providers

Since headless eCommerce systems are designed to be adaptable they provide the freedom to upgrade any part of the system secure in the knowledge that it can be done without negatively affecting any other part of the system.

Implement a Personalization Tool

People expect a personal digital experience that pretty much mirrors the typical level of personalization they receive when they visit a brick-and-mortar store. By incorporating a personalization tool you’ll be able to give a visitor a more tailored experience that appeals to their unique needs and desires, such as providing targeted offers to shoppers based on their browsing behavior.

Revisit Data Strategy and Schemes

Data is no longer considered a mere byproduct of transacting business. Today, data is an incredibly valuable asset, so much so that many companies consider their data their “secret sauce.” A data strategy will not only improve all of the ways you acquire, store, manage, share, and use your data, it will allow you to make informed decisions on important issues that could potentially affect the success of your business.

Add Advanced Digital Analytics Program

Marketers are under pressure to not only acquire customers but also understand their customers’ needs. To do this they must first understand their customer’s behaviors. Digital analytics will allow marketers to dissect that behavior and create contextually relevant, real-time experiences, in many instances before the customer even requests a particular product.

Audit Customer Experience To Remove Friction Points

It’s one thing for a company to say that they want to create an intuitive digital experience for their customers; it’s quite another to actually deliver on that. Auditing your website for any points of friction that a visitor might come into contact with will go a long way towards giving your customers the kind of digital experience that you want them to have, and that they have come to expect in exchange for their brand loyalty.

Web designer working on website changes

Going Headless Is Just the First Step

At PeakActivity, we help companies succeed in an increasingly digital world, where eCommerce is a primary contributor to that success. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about the many benefits of switching to a headless eCommerce platform or how to optimize your current headless eCommerce efforts.

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