Artificial Intelligence + Emotional Intelligence = Opportunity

Guest blog by Stephen Garber

Stephen Garber, Third Level


Artificial Intelligence + Emotional Intelligence = Opportunity

Guest blog by Stephen Garber

AI excels in handling structured data and performing repetitive tasks. In some ways, it’s the same phenomenon as when automation of tasks and information arrived: (Adding machines? Calculators? Computers? Spreadsheets?) In reality, it is a much bigger change than all those combined. It means that routine tasks can be done by machines – more and more each day. It also means that the human part of business is more important than ever.

Black and white photo of a tech team working in an open plan office space

Beyond Automation: The Human Connection

Here’s what is even more important now:

  • Trust and Credibility: Trust is the foundation of any successful business partnership. It is hard to build – even harder with remote working – and easy to break. Human interactions build trust more effectively than algorithms can. Personal connections foster credibility, allowing businesses to collaborate with greater confidence and sustainability. It is always essential to nurture ‘who you know, like, and trust’ inside and outside of your business.
  • Problem-Solving and Creativity: Complex challenges often require creative solutions that go beyond AI's capabilities. Brainstorming, collaborative thinking, and considering diverse perspectives are areas where humans excel, generating ideas that AI might not conceive, yet. Data informs. Leaders decide.
  • Adaptability: Markets and industries evolve rapidly, demanding agility and adaptability. Human relationships enable businesses to navigate change more effectively by providing a support network for sharing fears and doubts, brainstorming strategies, and refining approaches.
  • Empathy and Customer Satisfaction: While AI-driven customer service tools have improved response times, they can lack empathy and emotional intelligence. Demonstrating genuine care and understanding through real, human interactions leads to satisfied customers.
  • Innovation: AI may optimize existing processes, but true innovation arises from human imagination and insight. Collaborative relationships foster an environment where novel ideas can flourish, leading to groundbreaking advancements.
  • Crisis Management: When unexpected crises arise, real relationships become invaluable. From business partners offering support to employees rallying together, human connections provide a sense of solidarity and shared purpose that AI cannot replicate.

Striking the Balance

The key is not to perceive AI and human relationships as opposing forces, but rather as complementary components in a successful business strategy. AI can handle routine tasks, analyze data, and identify patterns, freeing up human resources to focus on cultivating and maintaining meaningful connections.

To strike this balance effectively, businesses are well served to consider the following steps:

  • Identify High-Impact Areas (and People): Determine which areas of your business benefit most from AI automation and which require human engagement and oversight for optimal outcomes, such as customer services, innovation, and team development. Think outside of your normal group, to work with people who challenge the status quo – and care about the customer. 

    Look for smaller projects to test and learn. Nothing teaches like experience. You will grow your team, have stories to tell, and gain advocates and evangelists as you expand your remit. 
  • Invest in Soft Skills: Equip your employees with the interpersonal skills necessary to build and nurture relationships. Empathy, communication, active listening, and conflict resolution are vital.
  • Personalization: Leverage AI to enhance personalization in your routine customer interactions. Tailored recommendations and solutions demonstrate a deep understanding of your partners' or customers' needs. 
  • Continuous Learning and Agility: Encourage a culture of continuous and curious learning. Iterate, iterate, iterate. Both AI systems and human relationships need ongoing refinement and nourishment to stay effective.
  • Ethical AI Use: Maintain transparency in AI use and ensure that its implementation respects privacy, fairness, and ethical considerations. This helps build trust in your business relationships.

Embracing a Fail Fast, Fail Forward Mindset

In an AI-driven landscape, the importance of real business relationships cannot be overstated. AI excels at many tasks, but it falls short in areas requiring empathy, creativity, and adaptability. True success lies in harnessing both the strengths of AI to inform and process that information – and human interactions where people communicate and collaborate effectively. Together, they create a powerful synergy that drives innovation, trust, and growth. 

As businesses continue to evolve, those who prioritize authentic relationships alongside technological advancements will undoubtedly survive and thrive as leaders in their industries.


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